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Monday, January 18, 2010


Omri Buson says his "blood boils" every time he hears about the negotiations between Hamas and Israel over the release of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

From his point of view, Israel should have never ended last year's military offensive on Gaza without Shalit's return.

"We needed to hurt them and not have mercy ... to destroy every house till [we] found that soldier," says Buson, who dropped out of law school to open clothing shops in Jerusalem.


WTF!! masih pikir nak makan KFC lagi.
WTF!! Masih pikir nak beli barang Yahudi lagi.
WTF!! masih lagi ngidam Mekdi.
WTF!! masih agungkan produk Yahudi lagi masa ni.
WTF!! masih nak berkira pasal ekonomi berbanding darah Palentine .
WTF!! baru nak boikot produk Yahudi lepas ribuan Palestinian dah mati.

WTF!!! WTF!!! WTF!!!
Tak perlu terasa. Boikot je terus kalau korang ada hati perut....


~::Iffat @ Wonderfatts::~ said...

pilihan dah ada..
ayuh sokong produk Islam kita..sertai dan mula beralih ke jenama HPA..
KFC? RFC ada ape?
Risau ayam cocok disuntik enzim babi?
Ayam organik HPA ada ape?
ayuh bersama2 kita menaikkan semula ekonomi Islam dengan cara yang bersih Halal Lagi Toyyib..
Tak gitu antusabun? ko guna sabun ape?

Antusabun said...

aku guna sabun barus. oit, sempat jugak promo produk ye. heheh.. ok

~::Iffat @ Wonderfatts::~ said...

haha...sekali sekala dpt peluang nk promote...kan ke produk halal tanggungjawab bersama..haha